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Motorola DM4400e HP VHF + AES радиостанція мобільна 45 Вт + Keypad Mic

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The DM4000e Series is a family of ETSI DMR Standards compliant digital mobile two-way radios that delivers operation-critical voice and data communications. Bluetooth audio lets you talk without wires, integrated Wi-Fi enables remote software updates and indoor and outdoor location-tracking capabilities give you total visibility of your resources. With support for trunking as well as legacy analogue technology, you can keep your organisation connected as it grows.

Text messaging and Work Order Ticketing simplify complex communications, and data capabilities support advanced applications. Featuring a high power audio amplifier, these radios deliver loud, clear speech, with background noise cancellation for better intelligibility. DM4000e Series radios are also ideal as a dispatcher solution, with desktop microphones and a rugged, durable design for everyday use.

Safeguard your staff with responsive push-to-talk technology. The quick access buttons on DM4000e Series radios can summon help with one touch, using Transmit Interrupt to clear a channel when necessary. A range of safe driving accessories allows your workers to communicate hands-free and text-to-speech technology helps your drivers keep their eyes on the road.

Performance Characteristics

  • Frequency range

    VHF: 136-174 MHz
    UHF Band 1: 403-470 MHz
    UHF Band 2: 450-512 MHz
    300 Band 1: 300-360 MHz
    300 Band 2: 350-400 MHz

  • Power levels

    VHF: 1-25W / 25-45W
    UHF Band 1: 1-25W / 25-40W
    UHF Band21: 1-40 W
    300MHz: 1-40 W

  • Repeater capable


  • Physical Characteristics

    • Dimensions H x W x D

      53 x 175 x 206 mm (2.1 x 6.9 x 8.1 in)

    • Weight

      1.8 kg (3.9 lb)

    • Configurations

      Dash Mount, Remote Mount Capable

    • Remote mountable control head


      Radio Features

      • Number of channels

        DM4600e/DM4601e: 1000 channels
        DM4400e/DM4401e: 99 channels

      • Channel spacing

        12.5, 20, 25



      • Digital technology


      • System type

        Conventional, IP Site Connect, Capacity Plus, Capacity Max, Connect Plus Trunking

      User Environment

      • Mil spec

        810 C, 810 D, 810 E, 810 F, 810 G

      • IP Standards


  • Живлення:
    12 (13,8) В
  • Вихідна потужність:
    25 Вт
  • Дапазон робочих частот:
    136-174 МГц
  • Режими роботи:
    аналоговий та цифровий
  • Станлдарти зв'язку:
    DMR, NFM, FM
  • Країна-виробник:
  • Особливості:
    Шифрування за алгоритмом AES із довжиною ключа до 256 біт
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