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Ретранслятор SLR5500 UHF MOTOTRBO Repeater, DMR

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For your business to be successful, you need dependable voice and data communications that reach every corner of your operations. The MOTOTRBO SLR 5500 Repeater delivers high performance, high reliability two-way radio service with all the features you need to connect your workplace whether you're in the field or on the factory floor.

With its sleek form factor and low power consumption, the MOTOTRBO SLR 5500 is engineered for low cost of ownership. And with a huge leap forward in technology, it represents the next generation in repeaters as the cornerstone of a MOTOTRBO professional two-way radio system. 

Whether you need the simplicity of a single site conventional system, or the powerful trunking capabilities of Capacity Plus, Linked Capacity Plus or Connect Plus, the SLR 5500 delivers the power of digital two-way radio to your workforce. 

  • Производство :
  • Потужність:
    50 Вт
  • Мінімальний діапазон використовуваних частот:
    400 МГц
  • Максимальний діапазон частот, що використовуються:
    470 Мгц
  • Стандарт:
  • Гарантійний термін:
    12 міс
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